When you support Sheffield Hospitals Charity, you can be sure that your gift will be used to help local patients, right here in Sheffield. Your gift will ensure that people here in your community have access to the very best care and treatment possible, at the times they need it most.

A local impact 

Gifts to Sheffield Hospitals Charity go above and beyond what the NHS can provide. By including Sheffield Hospitals Charity in your Will, you could help to make our hospitals more comfortable for patients, provide activities to reduce boredom and isolation for people who find themselves stuck in hospital for a long time, and help more of our patients get home to their loved ones by funding life-saving equipment and medical research. 

We work in partnership with the doctors, nurses and other experts who make up our local NHS. This means that every gift to Sheffield Hospitals Charity has a real impact on the care and treatment our patients receive. 

It’s important to us that your gift is used in the way that you intend. If you choose to include a gift in your Will for our general charitable purposes, we’ll work hard to ensure it’s spent where it will make the most difference to our patients. Or, if you’d prefer to support a particular department, ward, or area of our work, we will honour your instructions and make sure that your gift is put to good use. 

A tradition of giving 

Giving to support your local hospitals is nothing new. Throughout the early 1900s, Sheffield workers gave pennies from their wages to create ‘voluntary hospitals’, giving local people access to medical treatment thathey’d otherwise be unable to afford. 

The NHS was created in 1948, but this tradition of giving remains strong today. Every year, thousands of local people choose to support Sheffield Hospitals Charity, giving money or time to help improve life for patients across our hospitals.  

By leaving a gift in your Will, you 'll be part of a long history of local people who care deeply about the health of the Sheffield community. You can feel proud that your gift will continue to have a positive impact on patients’ lives long into the future. 

Our charitable status 

Sheffield Hospitals Charity is a registered charity (number 1169762), which means that any sum left to us in a Will is free from tax.  

Any gift that you choose to leave to Sheffield Hospitals Charity will be deducted from the value of your estate before tax. And if you leave 10% or more of your net estate to UK registered charities, you will also benefit from a reduced rate of Inheritance Tax. You can find more information about the tax benefits of leaving a legacy to a cause you care about on the Money Advice Service website. 

Next: How to leave a gift in your Will